Back-to-School: Kelvin Jumbo Foundation Distributes Material to Pupils in Commemoration of his Birthday


BACK TO SCHOOL OUTREACH(In commemoration of my boss birthday on 28th Sept) BILLIONAIRE $ON X KELVIN JOMBO FOUNDATION:


We are grateful to God for a successful outreach, as everything went as planned.

Each pupil received 9 exercise books and a mathematical set.

‘Quality’ school bags were awarded to pupils from Nursery 1 to Primary 5 who took first and second positions last term.

The teachers and headmistress expressed their gratitude to the Kelvin Jombo Foundation for bringing smiles to the faces of the pupils. They noted that many parents have not yet been able to purchase back-to-school materials for their children, and this gesture will provide much-needed relief for these families.

Note: This outreach is a gesture of gratitude to my boss for his positive impact on my growth. It is my way of saying “Happy Birthday” and not an attempt to present myself as a philanthropist.


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