You must Do Everything Within Your Powers to Deliver on the Mandates of your Ministry – Gov. Otti Charges New Comm.


It’s All About Service

Being the Text of a Speech delivered by Governor Alex C. Otti, OFR, at the Swearing in of New Commissioners on Wednesday, August 14, 2024, at the Banquet Hall of the Government House, Umuahia


1. Our greatest wealth is in the abundance of human resources that we have been blessed with as a State. We are proud to share the same ancestry with some of the most intelligent and brilliant individuals walking the face of the earth. Across the major global capitals and cities, and on the biggest platforms in the academia, finance, medicine, law and jurisprudence, and in several other professions, Abians are breaking new grounds, doing big things, and expanding the frontiers of human civilisation.

2. Our foray into politics was driven in large part by the desire to create a platform that would give these accomplished professionals and goal-getters an opportunity to serve our State, bringing their wealth of experience on the bigger stages of life to create a new structure of governance — one that is built to deliver quality services to the people who had long been victims of subpar leadership.

3. On this note distinguished ladies and gentlemen, let me formally welcome you to the swearing in of a new batch of commissioners. We have carefully selected these highly accomplished individuals to bring new ideas and energy to our team. The new appointments are made in pursuance of our agenda of creating a robust governance architecture that supports excellent service delivery. I want to specially congratulate and thank the newly sworn-in commissioners for offering to serve our dear State.

4. As I mentioned on this podium a few weeks ago, effective leadership is an exercise in continuous team building, finding the right people and placing them where they are best suited to thrive. The task of public sector governance is an enormous one that requires having the right people on board, and in the right positions to drive the central agenda of the administration across many important frontiers.

5. Great leaders are not essentially those who know it all; rather they are mostly individuals who are sufficiently honest to admit the limits of their strength, and are not afraid to surround themselves with smart and dedicated lieutenants who understand the art and science of execution, and the dynamics of balancing expectations — making the most of available resources to drive superior outcomes in areas of greater need.

6. One of the major hallmarks of our administration is going against conventions that have been proven to stifle growth and dynamism in the public sector. We have publicly rejected the traditional recruitment pattern of filling strategic government offices with cronies who do very little in terms of effective execution of the business of governance.

7. We are very strategic in our recruitments; what we have presently is an excellent mix of sound administrators and forward-thinking visionaries. The new system that we have created treasures the preservation of institutional memories, and also makes room for the dynamic changes that will ultimately create institutions that are responsive.

8. Let me again welcome our newly sworn-in commissioners to the team and alert you immediately that this is going to be very different from much of what you have done in your entire career. To be successful as a commissioner, you are required to be an excellent administrator, a man-manager, a moral authority, and a visionary. You will not be working alone so you are encouraged to be a team player — patient in listening and firm in decision making. You will achieve so much through genuine humility, asking questions. and acknowledging that you may need help from time to time.

9. We are a product of the goodwill, and the expectations of Ndi Abia. As the political heads of the ministries, you will be required to drive the execution of the programmes and agenda of the Government in your respective ministries. In the New Abia, what counts for us are results, not long tales that attempt to provide justifications for failure. My message to you is this: you must do everything within your powers to deliver on the very important mandates of your individual ministries.

10. What we want are improved outcomes that speak to our vision of rebuilding the State and its institutions. May I also encourage you to fall in love with data because every piece of information out there can be very useful in the conception, and execution of government programmes. Your action plan, which I expect to see by next week, should include a robust framework for collecting, analysing and incorporating data into the decision-making process in your ministries.

11. As a Government, we are very focused on private sector-driven job creation. The reason we are investing extensively in infrastructure restoration projects in all parts of the State is to make Abia an attractive hub for local and foreign investors. The good news is that the signal has been sent and picked by serious businesses who have now identified our State as the new goldmine that can no longer be ignored.

12. We shall between now, and the end of the year, be signing deals with multiple business entities that are prepared to take advantage of the improved infrastructure and business- friendly environment in the State, a creative and resilient population, and guaranteed access to many local and international markets to set up their shops here.

13. Our entire development agenda is designed to frontally attack the menace of poverty, create jobs, and open up every part of the State for productive economic activities. Aba, as you will agree with me, has seen tremendous growth and expansion in the last one year as our people living far and near are beginning to see a new development horizon here.

14. Umuahia is also expanding and in no time, we shall be welcoming many more investors whose footprints will further open up the city for various social and economic activities. We are now looking farther to also bring the northern region of the State into this surge of expansion by setting up a robust administrative structure to extend the frontiers of development to the region. To this end we are working on setting up the “Greater Ohafia Development Authority” (GODA) which like GADA and UCDA will oversee the development of that area.

15. Our development template is holistic because while we are working very hard to keep improving the stock of physical infrastructure, we are also very keen on human capital development. Education remains the most important priority of the administration because that is the only way to give our children a chance to compete with their peers from the rest of the world.

16. Beyond formal education, we are also creating a formal structure to oversee the continuous training and development of our artisan community. We are determined to make Abia a regional hub of human capital. We shall be hearing more in this regard from the State Ministries of Education, Digital Economy and SMEs, and of course, Sports and Youth Development.

17. To the newly sworn-in commissioners, you will agree with me that there is so much to be done and as I had said on many occasions, we are committed to delivering on all our promises to our people. . It will be necessary to also tell you in advance that you are not going to find things very easy as you begin the important reforms that will turn around the institutional capacities of your individual ministries.

18. You are bound to be met with very stiff opposition and aggressive resistance from the old order and its agents in your respective spheres of influence, and across media platforms. You may find yourself being maligned unjustly and called names just for insisting that things be done right. When this begins to happen, my charge to you is to stay firm, refuse to be manipulated, or forced to chicken out. Never flinch, never retreat.

19. To further strengthen the governance architecture, there shall be a minor restructuring of the ministries to support the actualisation of our administrative objectives, and further empower the commissioners to function in their areas of strength. This is also aimed at making the ministries more dynamic and responsive to the evolving realities of governance.

20. The commissioners need the support of every stakeholder to succeed so I invite us to lend them a helping hand when required. There should be no room for infighting or whatever will sabotage their capacity to deliver. Again, it bears repeating that this administration has zero tolerance for all forms of corruption, abuse of processes, and any act or conduct that is capable of bringing the Government to disrepute. As recent events have demonstrated, we are not afraid to wield the big stick and when the occasion calls for it, we shall not hesitate to do what needs to be done, no matter whose ox is gored.

21. Let me now conclude by assuring you that my doors are always open to listen to you and provide necessary clarity and guidance. I am optimistic that you shall succeed because you have proven to be goal-getters in your previous endeavours. We expect that you continue on that winning streak, this time, in the service of the present and future generations of Abians.

22. Thank you for listening and May God bless you all.

Dr Alex C. Otti , OFR,


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